[EP000] The Ultimate New Year's Resolution: Start your Life-changing Journey

As the new year starts, we always have a chance for new beginnings. It's the time when we make New Year's resolutions. For most of the people they won't last, but there's definitely something special about them.

In this blog post, we'll go on a journey of self-discovery. We'll find the hidden potential inside us and see how we can change our lives for the better. So first of all, why do we make New Year's resolutions? And more important: How can we stick with them? Let's dive in.

The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.
— Melody Beattie

Why New Year's Resolutions?

New Year's resolutions are like promises we make to ourselves. But Why?

A New Beginning: Think of the end of a year and the beginning of a new year like a cleaning process. Mistakes from the past year? Gone. It’s a chance to start over. We love the idea of starting new. It's a chance to fix our mistakes and try again. When we set goals, we’re saying, "I hope to be better this year."

Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.
— Jim Rohn

A new year always offers the opportunity to change our life by setting goals for the new year. By deciding what we want to achieve, we give our year a purpose. It’s like having a map for a big adventure. So what are the most popular new year goals and plans people set?

The 10 Most Popular Goals People Set

Every year, most of us think about a few common things:

  1. Save Money: It could be a little, like maybe $10 or $20 every month.

  2. Get Fit: Some folks join a gym; others might start walking or doing fitness at home.

  3. Eat Healthy: This could mean more fruits and veggies or fewer chips and candies.

  4. Let Go of Bad Habits: Some want to stop smoking, while others might cut down on watching too much TV.

  5. Learn Something New: It could be learning photography, a new language, or even cooking a new type of cuisine.

  6. Travel: It doesn’t always mean going abroad. Even a day trip to a nearby town or hike on the local mountain can be an adventure.

  7. Read More: For some, this means one book a month. For others, maybe it’s just reading the news daily.

  8. Spend Time with Loved Ones: This is all about quality. A short, fun picnic can mean more than a day doing nothing together.

  9. Relax: Finding ways to stress less. It might be through music, painting, or even just sleeping well.

  10. Helping Others: Some people decide to give back, whether by volunteering or helping a neighbor in need.

It's exciting to set these resolutions, isn't it? I am pretty sure you also found yourself in a few goals above…

Being a dad, time and the days start to fly faster than ever… - [Picture: Milkyway during a warm (and sleepless ;-) ) summer night]

As a dad, I've learned that time flies, the “new years” are rolling in faster and faster. But for recent years, with all the unexpected challenges, something deep inside me finally started to change. The challenges I faced also brought opportunities to learn a lot about my health, mindset, and my relation to money. Each challenge that appeared over the recent years taught me some valuable lessons.

Embrace each challenge in your life as an opportunity for self-transformation.
— Bernie Siegel

Challenges can be like huge mountains standing in front of us. But with patience, discipline and effort, even the highest mountains can be climbed. - [Picture: Mountain of “Seceda” in the italian Dolomites with me standing near the top after a 3 hour hike before sunrise]

For me, changing and optimizing my life in several aspects has now become an obsession. Maybe because I see the world different being a dad? Maybe that’s my kind of “midlife crisis”? Maybe because all these recent challenges acted as an eye opener?

The reason we want to change our life might be different, but I guess all of us should aim for a better version of us, each and every day.

But here's the tricky part: while setting goals is relatively easy, sticking to them is where many of us stumble. It’s like deciding to grow a plant. Picking out the seeds (your resolutions) is fun, but ensuring they sprout and thrive requires consistent effort.

Tips to Make Resolutions Stick

So, how can we make sure that by the time next December rolls around, we're celebrating our successes and not just looking back in anger about what could've been? Let's look into some practical strategies. Recently I´ve read a ton of self-improvement books [if you only want to read ONE book, I would recommend this AFFILIATE] and if I had to choose the 4 best tips you should do in order to become a better version of yourself it would be:

Be Super Clear: “I’ll save $20 every week” is better than just saying “I’ll save money.”

Small Steps: If a goal feels too big, break it down. Instead of "I’ll read 12 books this year", think "I’ll read one book this month."

Picture Your Success: Close your eyes and think of how happy you’ll be when you reach your goal. Feels good, right?

Check Your Progress: Maybe every month, see how you’re doing. It’s like a friendly nudge to keep going or change things a bit.

“Picture” your success - like I pictured the start of this journey in form of the thumbnail of my very first YouTube video ;-)

Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.
— Alan Cohen

Making Goals a Part of Daily Life

Repeating something makes it a habit. If you choose a small thing and do it daily, soon it won’t feel like a task. It’ll just be a normal part of your day. It takes about 21 days to form a habit. So, if you stick with your goal for a few weeks, it gets easier.

After intertwining our goals into our daily life, there comes a time to pause, reflect, and appreciate. While the journey towards achieving resolutions is crucial, taking moments to bask in the joy of little accomplishments is equally vital. Let's talk about why and how to cherish every step you take.

Sometimes you there comes a time to pause, reflect and show gratitude for everything that you already accomplished. [Picture: Montane Mansion in HongKong]

Celebrate Every Win, Big or Small

Big wins are great, but small wins matter too. Did you skip soda for a week? That's a big deal! Read a little bit every day? That's awesome! Each good choice you make gets you closer to your goal. So every time you do something good, be proud. Give yourself a pat on the back. Because every win, big or small, is progress.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
— Lao Tzu

Beyond these tips, often there's one major roadblock many of us face, and it's one I'm intimately familiar with: procrastination. It's that sneaky voice whispering, "Why do it today when it can be done tomorrow?" or the allure of just one more episode, one more scroll, one more snack. However, overcoming procrastination isn't just about sheer willpower; it's about understanding why we do it in the first place. Sometimes, it's fear of failure, or even fear of success. Other times, it's simply feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

At the moment I am still fighting procrastination so I can´t give you a clear roadmap how you can overcome it, however the fact that you are reading this blogpost means that at least I found a way to finally start my personal journey to become a better person and share my story with you.

Besides procastination, not every resolution sees the finishing line. Why do some of our most earnestly set goals fizzle out before they even start shining? Let's confront the uncomfortable truths.

Why Some Goals Don’t Work Out

Let’s be honest, sometimes or EVEN often we don’t reach our goals. Why?

  • Maybe they were too big. Like aiming to become a chef in a month when you’ve never cooked.

  • Maybe they were too unclear. “I’ll be happy this year” is a great thought, but what does "happy" look like for you?

  • Or, life just got busy, and we forgot. It happens!

So, we've outlined some straightforward methods to keep our resolutions on track as well as reasons why we might fail. But in today's digital age, isn't there something that could make our journey a bit smoother? Absolutely!

How Technology Helps

There are apps and gadgets out there ready to be your helper [AFFILIATE]:

  • For Your Money: 'Mint' is an app that can show you where your money goes. It's like a friendly accountant in your pocket.

  • For Staying Active: 'Fitbit' can track steps, remind you to move, and even check how you’re sleeping.

  • For Learning: Humans are visual creatures. YouTube can make understanding complex topics easier than just reading about them.

  • For Calmness: Apps like 'Calm' offer short meditation breaks. Perfect for busy folks who need a moment of peace.

Unique resolutions allow us to stand out, but sometimes our journey towards change doesn't have to be walked alone. There's strength in unity, and the magic of shared ambitions and mutual encouragement can often be the key to perseverance. How, you ask? Let’s talk about the power of community and sharing.

In the realms of self-optimization, health, and finance, the path to success is often rugged and steep. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and isolated in our struggles. However, when we choose to share our journey, we unlock a world of support, inspiration, and collective wisdom. This is where the true power of community shines through.

Sharing Helps

When we open up about our challenges and victories, we create a space for empathy and connection. Hearing others' stories of overcoming similar obstacles can be incredibly empowering. It reminds us that we're not alone in our struggles. This sense of belonging can significantly boost our motivation and resilience.

When you know others are walking alongside you, cheering for your progress, it's easier to stay committed to your goals. Whether it's sticking to a fitness routine, managing finances wisely, or cultivating positive habits, having a support system can make all the difference.

I am profoundly grateful to live in an era where learning and self-improvement are more accessible than ever, thanks to resources like YouTube. The wealth of knowledge available at our fingertips is truly astounding. From expert-led tutorials to inspiring personal stories, these platforms have democratized learning, making it possible for anyone, anywhere, to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Telling stories and sharing your goals can help to stay on track - [Picture: the mountain “Langkofel” in the italian dolomites in the early morning hours]

This abundance of accessible information has been a cornerstone in my journey so far. It has not only aided my growth but also ignited a desire to give back and share my journey and stories. I feel compelled to share and document my own experiences, contributing to this ever-growing pool of collective knowledge. By doing so, I hope to inspire and guide others who might be embarking on similar paths.

Sharing my journey isn't just about giving back; it's also a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. Documenting the process helps in tracking progress, understanding setbacks, and celebrating victories, no matter how small. It serves as a tangible reminder of how far I've come and what I've learned along the way.

Moreover, by making my journey public, I invite constructive feedback and diverse perspectives. This can lead to new insights and strategies that might have otherwise been overlooked. The collective intelligence of a community is an invaluable resource in any personal development journey.

In conclusion, a new year offers 365 new chances. With time flying by, each day is an opportunity. Whether your goal is about money, health, learning, or just being a happier person, take it one day at a time. And remember, even small steps can lead to big changes. So, set your goals, believe in yourself, and make this year truly special. Here’s to a year of simple steps and big wins! Happy New Year!

The journey towards self-improvement, whether in health, finance, or personal growth, is a continuous process. Sharing this journey with a community can transform it from a solitary struggle into a collaborative and enriching experience. I am thankful for the platforms that allow us to connect, learn, and grow together. And as I continue on my path, I am committed to sharing my story, hoping it will inspire and support others in their journeys. The main focus, my main story I will tell in this blog and homepage will be about my financial education.

Remember, in unity, there's strength, and in sharing, there's power. Let's embrace the journey together AND JUST START:

Feel free to watch my very first YouTube Video! Hope you will like it! Let´s start a life changing journey together!


[EP001] Diving into Financial Freedom: Are You Ready to Swim with Sharks?